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Dr. Mitchell Kusy to Lead Keynote Session on Cultivating a Healthy Work Culture

We're pleased to share that Dr. Mitchell Kusy will speak at the 2023 Michigan Nursing Summit, which will be held in Grand Rapids on October 12-13, 2023. His session will be titled "Cultivating a Healthy Work Culture: Top Strategies for Respectful Engagement".

As an organizational psychologist, Dr. Mitchell Kusy brings 25 years of consulting and research on how toxic behaviors and work cultures erode personal well-being, team performance, and patient outcomes. His systems approach to addressing toxic work systems has become a benchmark worldwide for improving patient safety and satisfaction, as well as healthcare team productivity. Mitch has consulted and been a keynote speaker with hundreds of organizations nationally and internationally, helping create healthcare cultures of “everyday civility” with demonstrated improvement in team and financial performance. Dr. Kusy is the author of six business books and hundreds of professional articles. He is a professor in the Ph.D. program in Leadership and Change at Antioch University. Previously, he directed organization development at HealthPartners and American Express. In 1998, he received the Minnesota Organization Development Practitioner of the Year Award and was a 2005 Fulbright Scholar in Organization Development.

Dr. Kusy will speak on day 1 of the Michigan Nursing Summit at 9am. To learn more, click the buttons below.



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