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Database of Nursing Scholarships
Getting ahead of paying for the cost of nursing education can pay big dividends. There are a variety of scholarships available for all types of nursing students. We do not endorse any of the following scholarships.
Have a scholarship to add to the list? Contact us with the details.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of MichiganThree scholarship programs exist for students meeting the eligibility requirements, one of which is being a descendant of an honorably discharged or deceased veteran. Scholarships range between $500 - $2,000, and deadlines range from March 1 – March 14. Award Amount(s): $500 - $1000 $1000 - $2000 Who can apply?: Descendants of honorably discharged or deceased veterans
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Dept. of Michigan ScholarshipsThe Michigan AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary awards two scholarships of a least $1,000 per year. Students who are members of AMVETS (is serving or has served in the American Armed Forces) or the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, or are the child, spouse, or grandchild of a member are eligible. Applications are due May 23. In addition, there are 3 national scholarships that will award 3 $500 scholarships, 2 $1000 scholarships, and up to 5 $750 scholarships. The national scholarship deadlines are July 1. Application ApplicationAward Amount(s): $500 - $1000 Number of Awards: Up to 12 Who can apply?: Members of AMVETS or AMVETS Ladies Auxilary and some relatives
Air Force Nurse Corps Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)The Air Force offers scholarships for healthcare professionals: 1-2 year scholarships for allied health specialties 2-3 year scholarships for nurse corps specialties 3-4 year scholarships for medical corps and dental corps Scholarships cover all tuition, fees, textbooks, small equipment items, and supplies. Recipients also receive a monthly allowance for living expenses. While on scholarship, recipients will spend 45 days on active duty, and after graduation, serve 1 year of active duty for each year of scholarship, for a minimum of 3 years. Learn More
Detroit Black Nurses' Association Sadie Thomas Book Scholarship and the Geraldine Doby ScholarshipScholarships for books are given three times annually to deserving nursing students who are members of the Detroit Black Nurses' Association (DBNA.) Eligibility Criteria: Active members of DBNA in good standing, minimum of 2.5 GPA, with one full year of school remaining. For the Geraldine Doby scholarship, eligibility criteria are the same except it requires a 3.0 GPA. The scholarship application deadline for both applications is April 15. Detroit Black Nurses Association Who can apply?: Members of the Detroit Black Nurses Association More Information Call 313-263-2802 or write:
ANNA (American Nephrology Nurses’ Association) Scholarships & GrantsEach year ANNA offers career mobility scholarships that provide funding to support members in their pursuit of higher education, and certification scholarships can assist with exam fees. ANNA also offers grants for clinical research projects and patient or staff education programs. Scholarship applications are due November 15. More Details Award Amount(s): $1000 -- $5,000 for career mobility Up to $425 for certification fees Who can apply?: ANNA Members
Emergency Nurses Association Academic Scholarship OpportunitiesThe ENA Foundation awards scholarships to emergency nurses and other individuals who are pursuing a doctoral degree; emergency nurses pursuing a graduate/master's degree in nursing administration, nurse practitioner, nursing education, or public health; non-RN scholarships for undergraduate nurses, rescue workers, and emergency dept. employees; and nurses who are pursing an RN-BSN degree. There are also scholarships to attend the ENA annual conference for US and global applicants. The application period is March 3 -April 26. More Details and Application Who can apply? Must be an ENA member except those applying for Non-RN scholarships and there is one under-graduate scholarship that does not require membership in ENA (Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Scholarship.)
Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (SGNA) RN Advancing ScholarshipSGNA offers this scholarship to a SGNA members who wish to further their education and provides $2000 for a full time student or $1000 to a part time student (taking a minimum of three credit hours per semester.) SGNA also offers scholarships for advanced associates, professional diversity, membership dues, annual course fees and endoscope reprocessing. Contact them for application and deadline information at or phone 312-321-5165. More Details Award Amount(s): $1000 - $2000 Who can apply?: Members of SGNA
Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing Dorothy Budnek Memorial ScholarshipEstablished to provide financial assistance to ARIN members who have returned to school to advance their nursing education. The recipient will receive a scholarship in the amount of $600. There are also certification/re-certification, annual meeting, and complimentary one-year membership scholarships available here. Please call 866-486-2762 or email to determine application due date. More Details and Application Award Amount(s): $600 Who can apply?: Members (minimum of 1-year preferred) who possess a current nursing license and are enrolled in an accredited nursing program with a GPA of 3.0 or better, and currently working in radiology or imaging field.
Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association Nursing ScholarshipScholarships are available to students currently enrolled in a state-approved nursing program leading to an ADN, BSN, diploma, direct-entry master's degree, RN to BSN/MSN, or LPN/LVN to RN. Funds are not available for graduate study unless it is a first degree in nursing. Awards: Up to $10,000 per academic year Application cycle: September - December Application and instructions Contact:
Nurse Journal Scholarships for Students Living with DisabilitiesNurse Journal provides funding opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students with specific physical, mental, and/or learning disabilities. Visit the website to access information on scholarships programs, each having specific eligibility requirements and due dates. There is also a preference matching search chart by individual degree and focus of study. Various Nursing Scholarships
National Center for Learning Disabilities ScholarshipsThe National Center for Learning Disabilities sponsors 3 programs for individuals living with disabilities: Anne Ford Scholarship awards $10,000 over 4 years to a graduating high school senior who will enroll in a full-time bachelor's degree program in the fall. Students must have a documented learning disability (LD,) and can include those with LD and ADHD. Application cycle: October - April Allegra Ford Thomas Scholarship awards $5,000 over 2 years to a graduating high school senior who will enroll in a two-year community college, a vocational or technical training program, or a specialized program for students with disabilities in the Fall. Students must have a documented learning disability (LD,) and can include those with LD and ADHD. Application cycle: October - April ADHD College Success Scholarship awards funds to students with a documented diagnosis to apply for the one-time scholarship, which can be used for tuition, tutoring, educational resources, and more. More information, how to apply, and contact form to send a question
disABLEDperson, Inc. National Scholarship Competition for College Students with DisabilitiesThis scholarship is available to students enrolled full-time in a 2 or 4-year accredited college or university in the United States of America. Part-time students can apply as long as attendance is due to their disability and not their financial situation. Must be a U.S. citizen and able to prove disability. Award: $2,000 Application cycle: January - March More information and register for scholarship Email for information:
A Nurse I Am ScholarshipOffers up to 10 scholarships of $3,000 each for nursing students who complete an application and are judged as winners. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited LVN/LPN, RN degree (ADN or BSN), or RN-to-BSN program, and must begin/have begun classes not later than Feb 1. Enrollment may be on a full-time or part-time basis, applicants’ nursing education programs must be located within the 50 U.S. states, . Application open and close dates: Feb 1-April 15. Application cycles vary - - check in December to learn the new year's application deadline. Learn More Award Amount(s): $3,000 Number of Awards: 10
American Association of Colleges Nursing (AACN)The American Association of Colleges Nursing (AACN) has extensive scholarships information for undergraduate and graduate nursing students on their website, each with their own applications and due dates. Learn More
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) FoundationCandidates must be employed in the field of occupational and environmental health nursing and demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, occupational and environmental health. In the past, there have been awards available for academic education and professional development. Application due dates are approximately January 1. Learn More
Bureau of Professional Licensing, Michigan Board of Nursing Nurse ScholarshipP.A. 368 of 1978, Sec. 333.16315 established a nurse professional fund Nurse Scholarship Program supported by nursing license fees. One of the uses of the fund is to operate a Nurse Scholarship Program. The goal of the nurse scholarship program is to promote nursing pre-licensure LPN, ADN, and traditional BSN; RN to BSN completion; and graduate MSN education programs in Michigan among individuals who plan to practice in an underserved area, with an underserved population, or in a health professional shortage area (all of Michigan qualifies). Scholarship funding will be disbursed to eligible schools offering nursing programs on an annual basis. The schools will then award the scholarships to eligible students based on the school's criteria and policies. An eligible school is one that is fully approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing, has a primary campus located within the State Of Michigan; and offers a program of nursing that meets the predetermined category and area of need as established by the Michigan Board of Nursing. Paperwork to eligible schools will be sent out in December. Interested candidates should check with their school financial aid office for requirements and deadline to apply.
CNA Free Training ScholarshipThis scholarship is awarded annually to one person who has been accepted into a state-approved CNA training (by May 31 of previous year) or certification program, is at least 18 years of age, and is a US resident. Application due date is approximately April 1 each year. More Information and Application Award Amount(s): $500 Number of Awards: 1 Who can apply?: US Residents
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) ScholarshipsSeveral nursing scholarships are sponsored by DAR. See the link to learn more including contact information. Nursing Scholarships Award Amount(s): $2,500-$5,000 Number of Awards: 17
Beyond Scholars: Scholarships for the Diabetes CommunityBeyond Scholars offers scholarships to incoming freshmen with type 1 diabetes. Write to the program with questions and learn how to submit an application at Information and application Award Amount(s): Up to $5,000 Number of Awards: 26 Who can apply?: Students who are high school seniors and will be incoming freshmen in the fall and who have Type 1 diabetes
Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)The National Scholarship and Awards Program offer scholarships to freshmen, undergraduate, and graduate students for various courses of study. All scholarships are one-time awards. Thirty scholarships (amounts unspecified) are available to National JACL members (parent membership is not sufficient). JACL Membership is open to everyone of any ethnic background. Applications are typically due March 1 but check the website for confirmation of the date. More Information Number of Awards: 30 Who can apply?: Members
Jeannette Rankin National Scholar GrantThe Jeannette Rankin Foundation awards grants to support women and nonbinary students across the country. Grant recipients are ages 35 and older, demonstrate a financial need, and are pursing a technical or vocational education, an associate's degree, or a first bachelor's degree at an accredited US institution. Go to their website to take an eligibility survey and learn more. The application cycle begins in November and ends in February. More information and application
Michigan Nurses Foundation ScholarshipThe Michigan Nurses Foundation awards scholarships each year. MNF is funded through private contributions and fundraising activities. The following are the minimum nursing scholarship eligibility criteria: The applicant must be a student currently enrolled in a Michigan college/school of nursing The applicant must be in good academic standing with demonstrated progress toward degree completion. Applications must be POSTMARKED by May 1 in order to be considered. Learn More and Apply Contact for questions: or 517-853-5503
- Healthcare Leaders ScholarshipThe Healthcare Leaders Scholarship is offered to students entering or currently pursuing an educational program related to nursing or medicine. Students must be at least 17 years of age and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Application due date is typically at the end of December. Online Application Award Amount(s): $1,500 Eligibility: Aged 17 or older, GPA of 3.0 or higher, accepted or currently attending a nursing or medical related program at an accredited institution.
Michigan Tuition Grant ScholarshipThe Michigan Tuition Grant program is available to undergraduate students with financial need who plan to attend or are attending a private or independent non-profit, degree-granting Michigan post-secondary institution. Students must be enrolled at least half-time. Application Deadline: Must file the Free Appplication for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by July 1. Email:; phone 888-447-2687. More Information Award Amount(s): Up to $3,000
Hurst Review - AACN Nursing ScholarshipHurst Review and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing are partnering to offer this scholarship that recognizes entry-level nursing students for outstanding academic performance. Applicants must already be enrolled in an AACN member institution and maintain at least a 3.2 grade point average. Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Number of awards per year: 2 Two funding cycles: July 1 - September 1 and December 1 - February 1 Application and more information
Johnson & Johnson Andrea E. Higham Memorial Nursing ScholarshipThis scholarship is named after a passionate advocate for nurses and the nursing profession who raised multi-millions of dollars to support scholarships and grants. Funds are made possible through a long-term partnership with the Foundation of Student Nurses Association. Undergraduate scholarships are available to students currently enrolled in a state-approved nursing program leading to an ADN, BSN, diploma in nursing (hospital-based program), direct-entry master's degree, RN to BSN/MSN, LPN.LVN to RN, or accelerated BSN. Funds are not available for graduate study unless it is for a first degree in nursing. Awards: up to $10,000 per academic year Application cycle: September - January Application and instructions Contact:
Nurse I Am ScholarshipThis scholarship is sponsored by Cherokee Uniforms. Ten selected students will receive $3,000 towards their nursing education, a Careismatic Brands gift package (scrubs, shoes, accessories, and medical instruments, and membership on the Careismatic Brands Student Nurse Advisory Council. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate nurse education program with the 50 U.S. states, and attending classes related to your nursing major. Award: $3,000 Application cycle: February 1 - April Website for more information
NurseThink - AACN ScholarshipThe NurseThink-AACN Scholarship supports students enrolled in master's and doctoral nursing programs at AACN member institutions who desire to become future nurse faculty. Award Amount: $5,000 Two Funding Cycles: May 15-July 15; November 30 - January 31 Eligibility: Must be currently enrolled in a nursing program Number of awards: 2 per year Contact for questions: Alexa Betances at Website:
Women in Nursing ScholarshipFunded by the David M. Gabrielsen Foundation, this scholarship awards funds to 2 individuals that are passionate about a career in nursing. Any female student who plans to pursue a 4-year degree in nursing may apply. A part of the application is to articulate why you want to become a nurses and what life experiences may have influenced that choice. The application is through, a platform dedicated to fighting student debt by providing scholarship opportunities. Award: $5,000 to two students Application due date: May Apply here
Margaret Comerford Freda March of Dimes Graduate Nursing ScholarshipTo recognize and promote excellence in nursing care of mothers and babies, the March of Dimes, supported by their partner Pampers, offers scholarships annually to registered nurses enrolled in graduate programs in maternal- child nursing at the master's or doctoral level. and who demonstrate a commitment to improving maternal and infant health outcomes and health equity for all moms and babies. Applications cycle will begin in January. Learn More Award Amount(s): $10,000 Who can apply?: Applicants enrolled in a graduate program of maternal child nursing
MayDay Fund Scholar AwardThe goal of The National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE) MAYDAY Scholar Award Program is to increase academic gerontological nursing capacity in the United States by increasing the number of well-prepared gerontological nursing faculty with interest in alleviating the incidence, degree and consequence of human physical pain. MAYDAY Scholars, in collaboration with a senior mentor, will implement a tailored professional development plan which supports development of new competencies and enhanced effectiveness as an academic leader in geriatric pain and research. The program is committed to advancing qualified applicants from underrepresented minority groups to improve the nation’s ability to provide culturally inclusive care to its increasingly diverse aging population. This program is designed to support 2 years of of a research project for nurses committed to careers in academic gerontological nursing with an emphasis on pain research. Applications are due in October. More Information Award Amount(s): $5,000 Number of Awards: 2 Eligibility: US Citizen or permanent US resident, RN with a degree in nursing. Enrolled in a doctoral nursing degree program or has earned a degree within 7 years of application with a focus on research, and Demonstrate the potential for long-term contributions to geriatric nursing and pain research. Contact:, ATTN: Mayday Award
Oncology Nursing Foundation ScholarshipsProvides scholarships to oncology nurses and nursing students to continue their education and develop leadership skills in nursing. Awards for education scholarships range between $3000-$7,500 depending on the educational level, and leadership and career development awards range up to $3,000. Applications for educational scholarships are due February 1. Leadership scholarships have several different due dates. Applications and Learn More
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses FoundationScholarships are offered that provide funding to support members in their pursuit of higher education, certification and re-certification exam registration fees , and annual convention registration and on-site expenses. More Information Award Amount: $1,000 to $3,000 Number of Awards: Up to 48 Who can apply?: Members of a least one year
March of Dimes Undergraduate Nursing ScholarshipThe March of Dimes, supported by Pampers, awards funds to students enrolled in an accredited undergraduate nursing program, have a passion for healthy equity, and have a commitment to working in maternal or infant health after graduation. Application cycle begins in January and is due in March. Award Amount: $10,000 to two awardees Learn More
American Indian Medical ScholarshipThe American Indian Nurse Scholarship Award Program gives students of American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hawaiian Native descent the opportunity to pursue careers in nursing, healthcare, and health education. It assists students who plan to work on reservations or in hospitals that serve native populations with the goal of improving healthcare in those communities. The scholarship is $1,500 per semester as long as the student is in good academic standing. Applications for Fall are due June 1; applications for Spring are due December 1. More Details and Application Award Amount(s): $1,500 per semester for one awardee
National Association of Hispanic Nurses - Michigan Chapter (NAHN-MI) ScholarshipNational Association of Hispanic Nurses - Michigan Chapter (NAHN-MI) Scholarship Eligible applicants are hispanic students enrolled in and have completed at least one semester of undergraduate or graduate nursing programs in the State of Michigan. LPN, ADN, RN to BSN, BSN, ABSN, MS/MSN, PhD, and DNP students. The application cycle typically is January through June 30. See the 2025 application for more information about this scholarship. Award Amount(s): $1000 Number of Awards: 4 Who can apply?: Members and non-members (non-members will become a member if they are selected.) More Information
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